Horse & Jockey / Animals

Horse & Jockey

As a passionate photographer immersed in the beauty of nature, I find myself constantly drawn to the magnificent and dynamic world of horses and jockeys.

Through my lens, I have captured the essence of this extraordinary relationship, revealing moments that encapsulate the raw power and grace of these majestic creatures.

In one of my series, I have chosen to depict horses in mid-air, effortlessly soaring over unexpected obstacles, including scattered feces.

This deliberate choice brings forth a sense of authenticity and unfiltered reality, showcasing the unscripted moments that unfold in the equestrian world.

By embracing these less conventional scenes, I aim to capture the unvarnished spirit of nature and its inhabitants. With every photograph, I strive to transport viewers into a realm where they can connect with the untamed energy and natural splendor that pervades the horse and jockey domain.

Recent Portfolios